How to Throw Covidsafe Driver Celebrations

Over the past four months COVID-19 has shined a light on how crucial truck drivers are to the well-being of America. Drivers have been working their hearts out to keep the country afloat, and this is not an anomaly. Truck drivers need to be celebrated. Here is how to throw Covidsafe driver celebrations.

Celebrating Remotely is the Safest Option

Clearly, the easiest way to celebrate safely is to celebrate remotely. This is possible with platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, etc. However, it is not enough just to hop on a video call and say you appreciate the drivers. You need to do more.

One thing that your company can do in addition to the video-chat celebration is sending each driver a personal, hand written note from the CEO. These notes cannot be the same message sent to all drivers, it has to be unique for each individual.

Personal development stipends are another way to celebrate remotely. At companies like 15five employees are giving a $500 stipend to spend on a learning opportunity unrelated to their job. Giving drivers money to pursue their passions will show your care and improve the lives of your drivers and makes them want to stay with your company.

Outdoor Celebrations are Necessary for In-Person Parties

If you are wanting to have an in-person celebration, the best place to do that is at an outdoor location. Hosting the celebration outside drastically reduces the risk of the spreading of COVID.

There are multiple factors that lower the risk of spread when outside. The first is that in the open air, Coronavirus particles disperse faster than they do when inside. Also, UV light from the sun does an excellent job of reducing the spread of the virus.

A study put on by Harvard, MIT, and other institutions found that average temperatures above 77 degrees reduce transmission. Each 1.8 degree temperature increase above 77 degrees is associated with a 3.1% decrease in the number of new infections generated.

People enjoying a Covidsafe celebration eating barbecue food.

Responsible Guest Lists Give You More Control

Your company driver celebration cannot be a massive party, it needs to be an intimate event. Keep the event closed to people only within the company.

Limiting the guest list to employees only lets you have more control over the situation. You can easily vet each guest and make sure no one is exhibiting COVID symptoms and may jeopardize the event.

Serving Food Fresh From the Grill

Considering that heat does a good job of killing the virus, plan on serving items fresh from the grill. Try to avoid letting food items sit for a long time before party goers start eating. Burgers and hotdogs are an excellent decision to be the main course.

Avoid serving any type of community finger food. That means no chips and dip, sliders, bowls filled with candy, etc. Every hand that reaches for a serving of finger food is an opportunity for viral transfer.

In order to be extra safe, give each party goer a stipend to purchase their own food and drink to consume that does not come off the grill. This includes any sides, appetizers, and desserts.

Socially Distanced Party Games

What is a party without party games? Party games that encourage a lot of physical interaction between people are not recommended however.

Instead play games that require people to stand far apart. Cornhole is an excellent example of a social distance friendly party game.

If possible, you could have the celebration at a pool. Swimming in a properly maintained pool will inactivate COVID.

Cornhole is a socially distanced party game.

Truck drivers are the backbone of America and without them our economy would crumble. They stepped up to the challenge presented by Corona virus in a major way and must be celebrated. Follow these tips and your company can throw Covidsafe celebrations for your drivers.