Your company has an employer brand whether you actively work on it or not. Quality drivers are well aware of the best and worst employers. Here are 7 tips to improve your employer brand.
Benefits of a Strong Employer Brand and What it is
Employer branding is how potential drivers perceive your company. This is your reputation as an employer.
An employer branding campaign aims to improve your company’s attractiveness to the top drivers and increase retention rate.
Building your company’s employer brand will lead to lower recruitment costs. Drivers will know that your company is a great place to work and will actively seek out opportunities to work for you. Your company will not have to spend exuberant amounts on job postings.
The strongest employer brands attract the top quality of drivers. Truck drivers that are true professionals, and take pride in their craft, want to work for carriers that are the best of the best.
Lowering your recruitment costs and hiring the top talent is going to lead to improved company performance.
How to Identify Your Employer Brand
Before you embark on building your employer brand, you need to assess where you are starting from.
Employer review sites, like Glassdoor, are the best place to begin identifying your employer brand. Glassdoor gives you quantitative ratings and how each rating stacks up against the competition.
After reviewing your rankings on sites like Glassdoor, the next step is social listening. Social listening is done by searching your company on social media. You need to read your mentions and interactions. Reddit forums and trucking social groups are a great place for social listening.
If your employer turnover is high, that is a key indicator you have a weak employer brand.
7 Tips to Build Your Employer Brand
Define What You Want the Culture to be
If your company does not have a clearly defined culture then it is up to you to define it. Write out a clear vision and mission statement.
Once you have your vision and mission statement, establish 3 – 5 company values. These values are at the core of your company’s decision making process.
Hire Culture Fits
After defining what the company culture is, start hiring drivers that match your culture.
You can do this by communicating the company values to potential drivers in the interview process. The drivers that you hire should strongly identify with at least two of the values.
Potential hires that do not align with company values will not do well in your company and will hinder your employer brand.
Treat Potential Drivers as Customers
Quality truck drivers are the most valuable asset to your company. Companies that employ top notch professionals experience lower turnover rate and higher profits.
During the hiring process, you need to treat the drivers as customers. It is up to you to ‘wow’ them. Sell the drivers on why working for your company will make their lives better.
Treating potential drivers as customers will help you attract the top professionals.
Use Storytelling
You need to be frequently producing content that tells the story of your company. Tell stories about how much your current drivers love working for you.
Potential drivers and passive candidates will interact with these stories and recognize your company as a great place to work. Positive stories build up employer brands.
Act on Feedback
As you are going over your reviews on Glassdoor and conducting social listening, you will come across plenty of feedback. Assess whether this feedback is legitimate.
If you come across positive feedback, double down on what you are doing well. Negative feedback that is brought up repeatedly needs to be fixed.
Increase Driver Perks and Benefits
The quickest way to get your drivers to brag about your company is by paying them more.
However, solely paying your drivers more is not enough to build up your employer brand. You need to utilize all 7 tips.
Be Authentic
Drivers will see through you if you are not being authentic.
To avoid this, come up with company values that your staff truly identifies with. Do not set values that you think potential drivers want to hear. That is inauthentic.
Whether you are aware of it or not, you have an employer brand. Drivers are taking note about which companies are best to work for. Follow these 7 tips to improve your employer brand, attract the best drivers, and increase company profitability.