How To Recruit Truck Drivers on Social Media

72% of the public uses some form of social media. No wonder carriers are focusing their recruiting efforts to social media. However, most companies are not using social media to its fullest potential. Here is how to recruit truck drivers on social media.

There are 4 areas you need to know about in order to successfully recruit on social media. You need to focus on: company profile, relevant groups, paid advertisements, and using the right platform.

Use Company Profiles to Build Your Employment Brand

Drivers will do their research before applying for your company. You want to make sure that you have a positive brand image and strong social presence .

Think of your profiles as a platform to convey the company culture to potential drivers. It is best to post a lot of images and short videos that show off everything your company does to take care of its drivers. You need to highlight happy drivers as much as possible.

Another useful strategy is to post content that increases engagement. Posts that contain questions, polls, or contests are great at generating engagement. The more engagement you can generate the better.

Finally, make sure that you are posting frequently. Tools like Hootsuite will help you post frequently. Hootsuite will enable you to plan posts out in advance and upload the posts automatically.

Interacting in Groups to Build Relationships

Social media is filled with groups designed to connect drivers and recruiters. You need to join as many groups as possible. There are groups with drivers around the country and others that are focused on specific regions.

In order to be seen, post frequently and always respond to drivers that comment on your posts. Keep in mind that there is a lot of competition in the groups so you need to set yourself apart from the competition.

Join these groups with the company’s page AND encourage recruiters to join with their personal accounts. Recruiters that use their personal accounts to engage with drivers will come off as more personable/trustworthy.

Effective posts use eye catching photos and little words. Your goal should be to generate enough interest that the driver visits your site. The website will have the information needed to sell the driver on working for your company.

Paid Advertisements Keep You on Drivers’ Minds 

Any social media campaign is incomplete without paid media. Each social media platform has its own advertising tools (Facebook ads, Linkedin ads, Twitter ads, Google ads, etc.).

The goal of paid media is to keep your company on the mind of potential drivers. Drivers spend a lot of time on social media, by advertising on social media you are meeting the drivers where they are at.

The best part of paid media is its hyper-focus. If you take the time to set up the proper settings only your desired demographic will see your ads. Hyper-focus campaigns lead to increased ROI.

For best results, your paid ads need to be eye catching. Drivers will spend hardly any time interacting with the paid ads so every millisecond counts. Create ads that burn an image into the drivers minds.

Canva is the best platform for designing advertisements. The platform makes it easy for people who have little design experience create professional quality ads.

illustration that shows how to recruit truck drivers on social media

Platforms to Use For Maximum Results

There are many platforms to use for recruiting truck drivers. Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube, and Twitter are the main platforms you should focus on.

If you are determined to expand beyond those platforms Reddit, Snapchat, and TikTok are becoming more popular with drivers.

Facebook and Twitter give your company a voice. Instagram is visual so post smiling faces and quick videos. Linkedin is professional; here you will want to post company accomplishments and management philosophy. Youtube should be used to post videos of driver interviews and more in depth visuals that tell stories about how great your company is.

Instead of focusing your energy on using as many platforms as possible, focus on thriving within one or two of the platforms.

Social media is an excellent tool to recruit new drivers.You can interact with drivers directly and social media will give your company a voice. Follow this guide and successfully recruit truck drivers on social media.